How can we help? 👋

Why should I partner with Visual Soldiers instead of hiring a contractor or freelancer?

It’s simple, really 😉


We work as an extension of your team, working through all of your requests one at a time, just like one of your internal team members.


Here are a few BIG differences when hiring Visual Soldiers over a contractor, freelancer, or full or part-time employee:

  • Affordable Expertise: You get the firepower of our entire team at a cost that’s exponentially lower than a full-time employee.
  • On-demand design at scale: You get us when you need us the most. Need to work on multiple requests or projects simultaneously in one month? Upgrade your plan or scale it back whenever you need to. We operate quickly and efficiently since we’re an agile team of designer/developer hybrids.
  • Generalist designer/developers: Freelancers or contractors are great if you’re hiring for a specialty skill. Working alongside Visual Soldiers is different, however. We’re generalists and “been there, slayed that” is part of our DNA.
  • Easy flat-rate monthly pricing: Know your bottom line and how we work upfront before your tasks begin. Never any hidden fees or long-term contracts

Note: If you need web development or heavier lift tasks, we offer project and retainer pricing. Contact us to discuss.